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GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film

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GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film

  • What we did

    Creative direction, Planning, Web design, Graphic design, Motion design, Copy writing


    Partner : General Pearl co,.
    Creative direction, design : Takumu Imoto
    Web development : Yoshikage Oba
    Video, photography : Toshinori Suzuki
    Model : Naho Morimiya

    Launch site
  • 真珠を手にする知的興奮を伝えるブランドフィルム・Webサイト

    Brand film and website showcasing the intellectual excitement of wearing pearls

    broomがリブランディングを手掛ける真珠加工大卸「GENERAL PEARL」のブランドフィルムとWebサイト。その企画・設計・制作、撮影ディレクション、実装ディレクションを担当しました。長い年月と手間暇をかけて、やっとのことで生み出される“一粒”。その実態はジュエリーとしての華やかな真珠のイメージとは相反するものかもしれません。しかし、知るほどに一層美しく思えるその“奥行き”こそが、真珠の本質的な価値なのではないか、といった価値観から、既存の真珠のイメージに逆行するような深いトーンの表現が生まれました。

    We managed the brand film and website for "GENERAL PEARL," a wholesale distributor specializing in pearl processing as part of our rebranding efforts at broom. Our responsibilities included planning, design, production, directing the filming, and overseeing implementation. Focusing on the essence of pearls—each one taking significant time and effort to come into existence—the portrayal diverges from the conventional glamorous image of jewelry associated with pearls. Instead, we embrace a deeper tone that contradicts the existing perception of pearls. This portrayal stems from our belief that the inherent value of pearls lies in their depth, which becomes increasingly beautiful the more one understands.

GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film
GENERAL PEARL_Web, Brand film

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