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C Series_Items

  • What we did

    Planning, Package design


    Partner : Kimura Soap Co.,Ltd.
    Planning, design : Takumu Imoto

  • 使い手の暮らしに馴染むためのシンプルなパッケージ

    A simple packaging that blends seamlessly into the user's lifestyle

    石鹸メーカーの木村石鹸と共に開発した、家事に役立つニッチな用途の製品をラインナップしたシリーズ“C Series”のパッケージデザインを担当しました。頻繁に使うモノだからこそ、使い手の暮らしに上手く馴染むようシンプルな装いで統一。一方で、販売時には、ただシンプルなだけでなく、見つけてもらうための目印が必要とも考え、剥離可能なネイビーのシールを付加しました。

    Our responsibility included the packaging design for the "C Series", a lineup of niche-useful products developed in collaboration with Kimura Soap, a soap manufacturer. To seamlessly integrate into users' daily lives, we aimed for a simple and unified appearance, considering these items are frequently used. Additionally, recognizing the necessity for an "identifier" to catch attention during sales, we incorporated detachable navy blue stickers, maintaining simplicity while ensuring a distinctive marker for shelf visibility.

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C Series_Items
C Series_Items

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